In every community, in every town, there exists a group of individuals who give of their time and effort each day to improve the quality of life of others. These dedicated individuals, our local heroes, embody a sense of community through their selfless acts of service. Many of our local heroes maintain public roles. These include military personnel who defend our freedom, police officers who ensure our safety, firefighters who bravely protect our communities, EMTs and emergency room doctors who swiftly respond in times of crisis, and teachers who grow young minds. Local heroes also include those individuals who work behind the scenes to empower refugees, immigrants and local communities in need, and those who work to make sure our parks and public spaces remain beautiful and safe. To all of these heroes – we salute you. At New Home TRAC, we strive to empower these pillars of society by helping them own their own home. It is our mission to remove barriers, ease financial burdens and streamline a homeownership process which is oftentimes difficult and confusing. Our local heroes deserve nothing less.